Meet the creator of this site, Diana...

Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying our little web site so far! Here is a little about me if you are interested :o)

I was born in Gainesville, Florida at Shands Hospital on August 28, 1973. I moved to the Stuart area when I was about 8 years old and have lived here ever since. Yes, I am a *true* Floridian! Ikes!

I am a medical transcriptionist by trade. I am also a full time homemaker/mom. I do like staying home and raising my daughter myself, it gives me an enormous sense of accomplishment to see her develop day by day. I enjoy the time I have with my family more than anything in the world & wouldn't trade it for anything.

Some of my other interests are computers (of course!), HTML'ing (thanks to Steven), creating graphics, crafting, making candles, writing poetry & short stories, swimming & cooking! This web site has become my "fixation" & I love adding to it as well as meeting new people along the way. I would eventually like to do this for a living & I am currently doing web sites for individuals & small business' here and there.

I hope you enjoy your visit & come back again! :o)